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Solutions: Preventative skin care during chemotherapy with radiation therapy


For certainly types of cancer, doctors will recommend a treatment of chemotherapy and radiation therapy together. 

The radiation will typically cause Radiation Burn, while the chemotherapy is prone to causing dry, itchy skin... rash... cracked skin on the hands & feet.... or fingernail / toenail issues.  

If you are starting any cancer therapy it's an excellent idea to begin a pro-active skincare regimen to manage or avoid the various side effects.  And the benefits may surprise you!  A 2010 study at Memorial Sloan Kettering found that cancer patients who utilize a preventative skincare regimen report far fewer instances of chemo-related side effects.  Not only were the skin-related side effects less frequent, but side effects like nausea, fatigue, vomiting and dehydration were all notably lower!  The skin is your largest organ in your body and taking good care of your skin during chemotherapy is vital for your overall health during this battle. 

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The skincare collections below are an excellent way to begin a good, healthy, gentle skincare regimen that can help manage or even avoid some of the more unpleasant side effects of your chemotherapy.  To deal with the radiation burns, we suggest you start with a Lindi Skin Cooler Roll and then choose a one of the Chemotherapy Skincare Collections below.  

Suggested Product

Lindi Skin Cooler Rolls deliver instant on-the-spot cooling and relief to Radiation Burns and sore, aggravated skin. The special properties of the Cooler Roll allows it to adhere to the skin without sticking.  The hydro-gel dressing is primarily made of water infused with aloe and green tea.  Aloe is widely known for its healing benefits, while Green Tea helps reduce redness and inflammation. 

When placed on top of radiation burns or other skin irritations, the Cooler Roll creates a moist, healing environment that allows your skin to heal as quickly as possible.  Normal dry & adhesive dressings often pull away the fresh layer of new skin cells when removed, but Lindi Skin Cooler Rolls are specially designed to leave the fresh cells undisturbed, promoting faster healing. 

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Or Select One Chemotherapy + Radiation Collection Below

Three of the most common skin-related side effects from chemotherapy with radiation are:

  • Radiation Burn

  • Face Rash

  • Dry, Itchy Skin & Body Rash

  • Sore, peeling hands & feet (Hand-Foot Syndrome)

The Essential Chemo + Radiation Skincare Collection includes Lindi Skin's finest products to tackle each of these common issues. The Face Serum delivers rich nutrients and anti-oxidants to renew and replenish your face & help manage or minimize rash.  Our Body Lotion is a silky, gentle moisturizer that is doctor-recommended for compromised skin. It contains rich botanicals to moisturize, soothe and prevent itching.  The Soothing Balm is rich, emollient moisturizer that can be used to comfort & soothe red, painful hands & feet.  And the Cooler Roll works wonders on painful radiation burns.   

The Essential Collection is an outstanding "starter" regimen to employ before you begin chemo to get ahead of these potential side-effects, but if you are already experiencing any or all of these side effects, this regimen call also bring much-needed relief.

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For details, reviews, or to shop with confidence (with our 100% money back guarantee) please Shop Now 

Lindi Skin's most comprehensive skincare collection for chemo & radiation related side effects, ​the Complete Chemo + Radiation Collection includes the Face Serum, Body Lotion and Soothing Balm, Cooler Roll and Lip Balm to address the face rash, itchy skin and hand-foot issues,  and lip / nail issues from Chemo.   In addition, the Complete Collection includes the Cooler Roll to soothe radiation burns.  


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For details, reviews, or to shop with confidence (with our 100% money back guarantee) please Shop Now 

NOTE: We strongly encourage you to talk with your health care professional about your specific medical condition and treatments. The information provided in this Web site about skin reactions and other medical conditions is meant to be helpful and educational, but is not a substitute for professional medical advice. 

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